'We must show, not just talk': Bexley schools proposes student conduct policy changes

Bexley Superintendent Jason Fine during the Wednesday board meeting where he addressed the Board of Education about ongoing efforts to combat racism in the Bexley district after a racist incident last month.
Bexley Superintendent Jason Fine during the Wednesday board meeting where he addressed the Board of Education about ongoing efforts to combat racism in the Bexley district after a racist incident last month.

The Bexley City Schools Board of Education introduced proposed updates to student conduct policies Wednesday, which the superintendent said would clarify expectations for students following a racist incident in the district last month.

The board approved the first reading of draft proposed changes to the student conduct policy that adds language to more explicitly prohibit derogatory and discriminatory language. Superintendent Jason Fine said the district has spent the past month "in a period of deep self-reflection and analysis about our culture, our practices and our ongoing work" to address racism in all forms in Bexley schools.

"We know that we must show, not just talk about how we are determined to do better," Fine said. "We want to move quickly, but we must move smartly and intentionally."

After Dispatch inquiries into the topic, the board said earlier this week that it planned to provide an update during Wednesday's meeting after taking time to listen to community members.

'Not normal': Parents share outrage, demand action from Bexley district one month after racist incident

On Feb. 3, a racist image was displayed behind two students at Bexley Middle School on a green screen as they gave morning announcements. The image — an orangutan eating a watermelon, a racist trope created by Southern whites after the Civil War to dehumanize newly-freed Black Americans — appeared on the screen after a fact about Black History Month was shared.

An internal investigation is underway into how the image was selected and placed in the daily presentation, Fine said last month. The board of education accepted the resignation of Christopher Melville, a middle school teacher who oversaw the announcements, at a Feb. 14 meeting, after many parents called for his firing.

In addition to the proposed policy changes, Fine said Wednesday that Bexley City Schools has been reviewing the school announcement procedures, holding focus groups and providing additional spaces for Black students to share their experiences. The district is also providing "intentional" teacher training at all levels to "provide them with tools to disrupt and stop racist interactions," the superintendent said.

The first reading of the proposed policy changes passed, and will have two more readings before a final vote. Fine said the district plans to update the community again next month at the April 12 meeting with more details on ongoing efforts.

Proposed changes focus on 'restorative justice' rather than 'zero tolerance'

The current Bexley City Schools student conduct policy only includes language prohibiting "derogatory" behavior, but proposed amendments would add the word "discriminatory." Board President Alissha Mitchell said that while the word derogatory can be interpreted differently, "discriminatory" carries a certain weight.

"(Discrimination) says that you are purposefully disenfranchising someone or marginalizing someone with a specific choice of word, or statements or actions," Mitchell said. "Our policy at times needs to be broad but at times can call out specifically the problem we're trying to solve."

The proposal also removes the school's "zero-tolerance" approach to discriminatory or derogatory language. Board member Joanne Pickrell said the new approach would focus on "consequences, supports, interventions and opportunities to participate in restorative justice" rather than punishment. Pickrell said zero tolerance can be inflexible and lead to increased suspensions and expulsions — rather than actually addressing the problem.

Vice President Victoria Powers said the board is also seeking to update the district's technology policy to change a restriction on "illegal" to "unauthorized" use of technology.

"Part of the issue in the technology arena is what kind of student behavior are we prohibiting — and how — when it is behavior over technology?" Powers said.

Powers said while the board is looking at language about student conduct outside of school, it is not included in the proposed amendments.

Community group forms to combat racism in Bexley schools

Several members of a newly formed group, Ending Racism in Bexley Schools, also addressed the board on four topics they believe are important for the district to improve going forward: safety, communication, education and culture.

Group member Alida Smith said racism has been systemic in the district for decades and said the group hoped to see "significant change regarding the treatment of Black students."

Alida Smith, joined by other members of Ending Racism in Bexley Schools, addresses the Bexley City Schools board during Wednesday's meeting, after a racist image was shown during morning announcements at Bexley Middle School early last month.
Alida Smith, joined by other members of Ending Racism in Bexley Schools, addresses the Bexley City Schools board during Wednesday's meeting, after a racist image was shown during morning announcements at Bexley Middle School early last month.

Donnice Milner, another member, said the group held a meeting in late February where more than 65 community members attended, sharing input and helping to form topic areas. The group has created a website that will contain surveys and policy proposals, she said.

Flo Flagent said the group hopes to work with the school to ensure the district is a safe place for Black students.

"We believe that through collaboration, we can work together to make Bexley City Schools a safe place for Black students today, tomorrow and for years to come," Flagent said



This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Bexley schools eyeing changes to student policy after racist incident