Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Braves

 | 29-18
  • Batting Avg
    .250 AVG
  • Runs
    218 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    3.26 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.20 WHIP
  • Fox News

    David Justice says Deion Sanders' Braves stint 'was never a distraction'

    Once upon a time in Atlanta, Deion Sanders had the sports world in the palm of his hand. In 1992, Sanders, who was already a premier defensive back with the Atlanta Falcons, was playing for the Atlanta Braves. On Oct. 11 that year, Sanders played for the Falcons in their Week 6 matchup against the Miami Dolphins and then hopped on a plane to Pittsburgh for the Braves' Game 5 tilt against the Pirates in the National League Championship Series.