Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Braves

 | 23-12
  • Batting Avg
    .256 AVG
  • Runs
    176 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    3.52 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.21 WHIP
  • Braves Today

    Braves Prepare for Mets Prospect Christian Scott in Citi Field on Saturday Afternoon

    The Atlanta Braves are SO back. The top of Atlanta's lineup hit three third-inning home runs last night while Charlie Morton pitched a gem to start the short road trip off with a 4-2 victory over the New York Mets last night in Citi Field. The Braves are looking to keep the winning streak going tonight, as they're sending lefty ace Max Fried (2-1, 4.23) to the mound against Mets prospect Christian Scott (0-0, 1.35), making his second career Major League start.