Letters to the Editor: Ashamed to be a Duck after Oregon-BYU game? So am I

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Ashamed to be a Duck

I’m a Mormon who grew up in Oregon and attended the U of O, but never have I been more ashamed to be a Duck.

I expect more from a university that prides itself on diversity and inclusion than to simply issue a standard apology after students spouted discriminatory hate speech on university property. The University of Oregon Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is supposed to investigate things such as students chanting “[expletive] the Mormons” on university property, yet we've heard nothing from them. Not only is it a student conduct issue, but a legal one as it involves hate speech and discrimination on campus, yet we’ve heard nothing from the UO Police Department.

Basic history will show that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were persecuted and killed for their beliefs long before the University of Oregon was even founded. At minimum, those students need to be dismissed from campus for their hate speech on school property. Failure for the university to do more than issue a hollow apology will be seen as the school condoning their behaviorl. As a people, 175 years of persecution is long enough.

Toby G. Hayes, Idaho Falls, ID 

Shut up and grow up

I don’t care how old you are, attending a football game is old enough to be courteous and respectful to those around you, and especially to those on the field who came to entertain you.

Your voices carried seats away to strangers. Chanting anti-Mormon slurs to BYU players on the field offended more than your targets. Your words made little kids and old folks shudder with embarrassment. Instead of applauding gracious BYU players placing a small bouquet of flowers at the 4-yard marker on the field in remembrance of Spencer Webb, you became attention-seekers. You disrespected Webb. You disgraced the University of Oregon. The stench will stick to you forever.

Apologies from Coach Dan Lanning and others who are nice. But you need to apologize to all of us. You don’t represent me or Oregon football fans. You are that fragment of our culture taken to hate speech as an acceptable form of communication — something cute you think is protected by the First Amendment. Speech intended to hurt others may have constitutional protection, but so does my right to call you out.

It’s time for you to shut up and grow up.

Ann Heide, Springfield 

In the news: Condemnations issued, but no talk of discipline for UO students' explicit chant at BYU game

Nobody should suffer unprovoked aggression

With Russia on the retreat now is the time for the United States, its NATO and other allies, to join in directing overwhelming combat operations against Russia. That means boots on the ground, long-range artillery and fighter coverage. The Russians must be pushed all the way back to Moscow and the Russian people apprised of Russian barbarism and atrocities perpetrated on innocent Ukrainians.

Assuming that will happen (Oh yeah, right!), arrangements should be made for Russia, at its expense, to rebuild Ukraine and pay restitution to those who suffered material losses, were injured and to the families of those who died because of unprovoked Russian aggression.

Putin and his henchmen should be tried as war criminals. If (when) found guilty, publicly hanged.

If the world allows Putin's threat of nuclear retaliation to dissuade from this course, then the world will continue and forever be held hostage by Russia and by any nuclear power. Life lived in submission to such international bullying and under the thumbs of those powers that would assert themselves in such manner would be unimaginably depressed and desolate.

Though President Zelensky has been somewhat of a tyrant, no people should suffer unprovoked aggression as have Ukrainians.

Peter E. Loewy, Eugene 

Why should drugs be illegal?

Two of our candidates for governor advocate for keeping certain drugs such as heroin and methamphetamine illegal.  For me this begs the question “Why should these drugs be illegal?”

From a selfish perspective, it does not matter to me that other people use these drugs. It does matter to me that the state would concede control over the manufacturing and distribution of these drugs to the illegal black market. Many of the users of these drugs will need to support their habit through illegal means, such as burglary. I am not happy with a law that incentivizes burglary.

From an altruistic perspective, it does matter to me that other people use these drugs. We should maintain control over the manufacturing and distribution of these drugs and administer them through our medical institution. For those whose addiction can be cured or controlled we should do so. For those who cannot or will not be cured we should maintain their habit in the safest and healthy fashion.

Bob Andersen, Junction City 

I'm talking about overpopulation

With all the talk of climate change and its disastrous effects, no one has mentioned the 300-pound gorilla in the room: There are way too many of "us" here — I'm talking about overpopulation.

As Isaac Asimov once said:  "You can either decrease the birth rate or increase the death rate. Take your pick." 

But the word now is must.

Michael E. Peterson, Eugene 

Don't forget about the wildlife refuge system

Saturday, Sept. 24 is National Public Lands Day. These lands include our national parks, Bureau of Land Management areas and U.S. Forest Service Lands — lots to celebrate for us in western Oregon. Unfortunately, there is one federal public lands system that often gets overshadowed by the others, despite the vital work it does: the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Here in Oregon, we have 21 national wildlife refuges, many of which are an easy drive from Eugene. Each refuge prioritizes conservation of the fish and wildlife that rely on the refuge’s land and water. But they also offer great recreational opportunities, like angling, bird watching and wildlife viewing.

However, this system of public lands is chronically underfunded by Congress. With an improved budget, refuges could do even more to conserve wildlife and habitat, from updating management plans to hiring more staff, maintaining infrastructure and better serving our community. To further support Oregon’s refuges on Public Lands Day, send an email to Oregon senators and representatives to encourage them to champion greater funding for our National Wildlife Refuges.

Dean Finnerty, Scottsburg 

Letters should be 200 words or fewer and sent with the writer’s name, address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to rgletters@registerguard.com. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and maybe published in any medium. We regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Letters to the editor: Ashamed to be a Duck? So am I