Lenawee Community Foundation: Funding opportunity available for local nonprofits

Applications will be accepted by Lenawee Cares from March 1 to April 3 from Lenawee County nonprofit organizations looking to fund health and human services-focused programs and projects.
Applications will be accepted by Lenawee Cares from March 1 to April 3 from Lenawee County nonprofit organizations looking to fund health and human services-focused programs and projects.

Lenawee Cares invites all Lenawee County nonprofit organizations to apply for their annual grant opportunity. Applications are accepted from March 1 to April 3 for this health and human services-focused funding opportunity. Contact the Foundation prior to submitting an application.

Lenawee Cares Campaign recently finished its seventh campaign in which it raises designations and workplace pledges throughout Lenawee County. These funds are paid throughout the year to local nonprofit organizations that know our community needs best and can help Lenawee thrive. Thanks to campaign donors, the Lenawee Cares Campaign has been able to administer nearly $3 million in donations to our neighbors in need through the work and knowledge of our local nonprofit organizations – a true team effort!

Grant applications are being accepted from health and human service organizations from March 1 until April 3.  Please contact the Lenawee Community Foundation for information regarding the application. Applicant organizations must complete the Lenawee Cares Application form as well as provide standard information required for grant approval. The full list of required documents can be found on the cover page of our application. Grant requests will be reviewed by the Lenawee Cares advisory board in an extensive assessment and discussion process, prior to making recommendations to the Lenawee Community Foundation board of directors for approval.

The Lenawee Community Foundation focuses on improving the health and happiness for everyone living in Lenawee, while also providing hope for a better future. Lenawee Cares works to fund health and human services with emphasis on assuring that basic needs are met for our friends and neighbors in Lenawee.  Contact Paula at 517-263-4696 or paula@lenaweecf.com to learn more.

Sarah Bayles is an active Lenawee Cares advisory board member and works at Kapnick Insurance.

For information about how your business, any group, your family, or you can volunteer to build a better community, call 517-263-4696 or contact paula@lenaweecf.com. We would be delighted to be of service as you invest time, talent, and treasure now and forever.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Lenawee Community Foundation: Funding available for local nonprofits