  • Business Insider

    Making $100,000 a year might not be life-changing anymore, but 3 people share how it makes things a lot less stressful

    Three people who made $100,000 a year explain how it impacted their lives and relationships and share the biggest perks of a higher income.

  • Associated Press

    In Indonesia, women ranger teams go on patrol to slow deforestation

    The friendly engagement is just one tactic the women-led forest ranger group has been using to safeguard the forest their village relies on from deforestation and poaching. After years of patrols have accompanied a sharp decrease in deforestation, the rangers are now sharing their strategies with other women-led groups striving to protect their forests across Indonesia. A vast tropical archipelago stretching across the equator, Indonesia is home to the world’s third-largest rainforest, with a variety of endangered wildlife and plants, including orangutans, elephants and giant forest flowers.

  • Reuters

    New Zealand’s nascent space industry aims for the stars

    The grassy plains on the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island, once home to cattle, have been transformed into a key aerospace facility for the Pacific nation as it looks to become a global hub for advanced aircraft and space exploration. New Zealand is inviting aerospace firms from around the world to set up at the new Tawhaki National Aerospace Centre on the Kaitorete spit, a 25 kilometre (15.5 mile) long and 3km wide coastal site. The centre, in which the government has to date invested NZ$29.4 million ($17.97 million), is part of an ambitious plan to turn the country's nascent aerospace sector into a significant contributor to the agriculturally dependent economy.