  • Reuters

    South Africa awaits election results, coalition race begins

    South Africans awaited confirmation on Sunday of a historic election outcome that will dismantle a 30-year African National Congress (ANC) majority, an announcement that will start the clock on a frenzied race to form a new ruling coalition. Voters, angry at joblessness, inequality and power shortages, slashed support for the ANC - the former liberation movement of the late Nelson Mandela - to 40% in Wednesday's election, down from 57.5% in the 2019 parliamentary vote. From the official announcement of results expected on Sunday evening, political parties will have two weeks to work out a deal before a new parliament sits to choose a president, who would likely still emerge from the ANC as the biggest party.

  • AFP

    Sri Lanka monsoon floods kill 14, schools shut

    Flash floods, mudslides and falling trees have killed at least 14 people in Sri Lanka as the island nation is battered by monsoon storms, the country's disaster centre said Sunday.Nine other people were crushed and killed when trees fell on them in seven districts since the monsoon intensified on May 21, the DMC said.

  • PA Media: Sport

    We’re building something – Emma Hayes celebrates winning start as US boss

    Doubles from Mallory Swanson and Tierna Davidson secured victory in Colorado.