  • Associated Press

    US and allies clash with China and Russia over North Korea's launches and threats to use nukes

    The United States and allies South Korea and Japan clashed with China and Russia Friday over North Korea’s latest satellite and ballistic missile launches and threats to use nuclear weapons that have escalated tensions in northeast Asia. The scene was an emergency open meeting of the U.N. Security Council called after North Korea’s failed launch of a military reconnaissance satellite on May 27 and other launches using ballistic missile technology in violation of U.N. sanctions.

  • BBC

    Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, dies at 86

    Robinson was a well-known fixture at the White House during the eight years of Barack Obama's administration between 2009 and 2017.

  • KTLA - Los Angeles

    Jennifer Lopez cancels summer tour

    “I am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down. Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary. I promise I will make it up to you and we will all be together again,” JLo wrote.