  • Yahoo News UK

    Reform manifesto live: Nigel Farage unveils party's manifesto

    Reform UK leader Farage is unveiling his party's manifesto - which he is calling a 'contract with the people'.

  • The Yodel

    82% of U.S. projected to see 90-degree temperatures, Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet and DeChambeau wins U.S. Open nail-biter

    Get caught up on this morning’s news: The Midwest and Northeast heat wave, Netanyahu’s war cabinet and more in today’s edition of The Yodel newsletter

  • Reuters

    Russian-Uzbek billionaire Usmanov sues UBS in Germany, lawyer says

    Russian-Uzbek billionaire Alisher Usmanov has filed a lawsuit against the bank UBS Europe SE in Frankfurt over what his lawyers said were unsubstantiated reports made about his transactions that triggered an investigation of him. "We have filed a lawsuit against UBS Europe SE Frankfurt on behalf of Mr Usmanov personally for the court to establish the fundamental facts and the bank’s liability for damages," Peter Gauweiler, a lawyer representing Usmanov, said in a statement. "The Frankfurt am Main General Prosecutor’s Office and the Council of the EU have issued numerous erroneous decisions for which UBS is partly responsible, in particular, due to the use of its suspicious transaction reports as an instrument for the purposes of criminal prosecution and EU sanctions policy."