  • Reuters

    Bipartisan support for Taiwan gives hope for free trade deal, U.S. business group says

    The high level of bipartisan political support for Taiwan in the United States gives hope eventually a free trade deal could be signed, especially given progress on current talks, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan's chairman said on Thursday. Taiwan, a major semiconductor producer, has long campaigned for such a deal, in what would be a strong show of support for the Chinese-claimed island in the face of unrelenting diplomatic and military pressure from Beijing. It says it is a reliable partner for the United States with shared democratic values.

  • PA Media: Money

    AI chipmaker Nvidia overtakes Apple as value surpasses three trillion dollars

    Nvidia’s surge in market value to leapfrog Apple marks another milestone in the tech sector amid a frenzy around artificial intelligence.

  • Associated Press

    The UN says a quarter of the world's children under 5 have severe food poverty. Many are in Africa

    The 9-month-old twins cried nonstop and tugged at their mother, seeking attention but also food. “Not much milk comes out,” said their 38-year-old mother, Dorcas Simon, who struggles to breastfeed and has three other children. Here in northern Nigeria, where conflict and climate change have long contributed to the problem, her twins are among 181 million children under 5 — or 27% of the world's youngest children — who live in severe food poverty, according to a new report Thursday by the U.N.’s children agency.