  • Yahoo Finance

    Melinda Gates on tech's 'bro culture' and investing in the next generation of female leaders

    Melinda Gates shocked the business world recently by announcing she was leaving the Gates Foundation to pursue a new mission. Yahoo Finance goes inside Gates's leadership journey as she readies to embark on her next chapter.

  • Insider Monkey

    SoundThinking (SSTI) Fell on Concerns Over Potential Loss of a Large Contract

    Conestoga Capital Advisors, an asset management company, released its “Micro-Cap Strategy” first-quarter 2024 investor letter. A copy of the letter can be downloaded here. Investors are optimistic about the US economy which is heading for a softer landing, and moderating inflation. In the first quarter, the strategy rose 4.93% net-of-fees but trailed the Russell Micro Cap […]

  • Reuters

    Interpol issues red notice for Turkish teen and mother in U.S. after car crash, says state media

    Interpol granted Turkey's request to issue a red notice for a 17-year-old involved in a fatal car accident in Istanbul, as well as his mother who fled with him to the United States, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Thursday. It said Interpol issued the red notice on Thursday for Turkish novelist and poet Eylem Tok and her son, with whom she travelled to the United States via Egypt following the traffic incident in March.