Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns

  • Field Goal %
    49.3 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.2 3P%
  • Points Scored
    116 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    44.1 RPG
  • Arizona Sports

    Why Phoenix Suns' 2024 NBA Draft first-round pick is so valuable

    Leading up to the first day of the 2024 NBA Draft, we will take a stroll down 22 different avenues to fully unpack the No. 22 selection the Phoenix Suns own, arguably their most valuable asset in a critical offseason. Trade hypotheticals, prospect analysis and more will cover the entire landscape to determine how Phoenix should use the pick. The only tradable contracts that will be under real consideration are Nassir Little, Jusuf Nurkic and David Roddy, three players with little to no value depending on who you ask. On top of that, because of the Suns' distinction as a second apron team, they cannot combine salaries to one team in a trade and only swap those guys for players making slightly less money than them.