Trump takes credit for Republican Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin’s win in Va.

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Former President Donald Trump mostly resisted the temptation to get more involved in Glenn Youngkin’s Republican campaign for Virginia governor.

But that didn’t stop Trump from taking credit for Youngkin’s upset victory in the Democratic-trending state.

“If there were no Trump in this election, there would be no Glenn Youngkin,” Trump approvingly quoted right-wing radio host John Fredericks in an email message.

Youngkin narrowly beat former Gov. Terry McAuliffe to win the Virginia governor’s mansion in the first major election since President Biden ousted Trump last year.

The political neophyte won by regaining ground in suburbs that the GOP lost big during Trump’s divisive reign and sticking to traditional Republican issues like taxes and schools.

Ironically, it was McAuliffe who unsuccessfully sought to make the election a referendum on Trump. He largely failed to fire up the Democratic base with a drumbeat of warnings that Youngkin was actually a MAGA wolf in moderate sheep’s clothing.

Trump raised eyebrows with a vow to come to Virginia to campaign for Youngkin in the closing days of the race, but later said he would visit after the election.

Trump’s effort to claim credit for Youngkin’s win could complicate a sweeping victory in the off-year election.

Republicans hope to replicate Youngkin’s formula for success nationwide in next year’s midterm elections when they could retake the Congress from Democrats.

It remains to be seen if Trump’s desire to grab the spotlight could undermine Republicans by energizing Democrats, especially in crucial swing state Senate battles.
