Manchester City

Manchester City

  • Goals For
    0 GF
  • Assists
    0 A
  • Shots
    0 Shots
  • Saves
    0 SAV
  • New York Post

    Manchester City opening pop-up store in NYC to capitalize on booming American fandom

    Manchester City has conquered pretty much everything in its path. Now, the club is setting out for another new horizon: the United States. Playing in the English Premier League, Man City has won four straight league titles. They won their first UEFA Champions League (a tournament amongst the best teams in Europe) title last year, and along with an FA Cup (a tournament amongst teams in England at all levels) title last year, they secured a much-heralded “treble.” Though they came up short in the Champions league and FA Cup this year, they made history as the first team to ever win four straight Premier League titles. Man City is looking to capitalize on all that success and a burgeoning American