  • Simply Wall St.

    Three ASX Growth Companies With Insider Ownership Reaching 21%

    Amidst a fluctuating Australian market, where the ASX200 experienced both gains and losses in recent trading sessions, investors continue to navigate through varied sector performances and global economic cues. In this context, understanding the significance of insider ownership can be crucial for identifying growth companies that might offer resilience and potential growth opportunities in such uncertain times.

  • HuffPost

    Trump VP Hopeful Doubles Down On Calling The Biden Administration A 'Dictatorship'

    During an appearance on CNN, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum had a weak explanation for why he believes Biden is abusing his power as president.

  • Reuters

    Canada expresses concern about Xinjiang rights to local leaders

    Canada's ambassador to Beijing visited the region of Xinjiang last week and expressed concerns about human rights violations directly to local leaders, the Canadian foreign ministry said in a statement on Sunday. A 2022 report by the then U.N. human rights chief said China's treatment of Uyghurs, a mainly Muslim ethnic minority in Xinjiang, in the country's far west, could constitute crimes against humanity.