  • Reuters

    US bars imports from footwear, seafood and aluminum firms over Uyghur labor

    The U.S. has added three more companies to an entity list that bars imports from firms allegedly involved with Uyghur forced labor in China, according to a U.S. government notice posted online on Tuesday. The latest targets include shoe manufacturer Dongguan Oasis Shoes Co, electrolytic aluminum maker Xinjiang Shenhuo Coal and Electricity Co and food processor Shandong Meijia Group Co, also known as Rizhao Meijia Group, the notice from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said. "Through these actions, DHS is increasing its focus on seafood, aluminum, and shoes - sectors that play an important role in Xinjiang's economy - and ensuring goods made with forced labor are kept out of the U.S. market," the department said in a separate statement.

  • The Independent

    Viggo Mortensen shares brutal way Oliver Stone fired him from Platoon

    ‘I assumed I had that role,’ ‘Lord of the Rings’ star said of 1980s classic

  • Reuters

    US clears way for Ukrainian military unit to use American weapons

    A U.S. review found no evidence of human rights violations by Ukraine's Azov Brigade, paving the way for it to use American training and weapons, the State Department said on Tuesday, citing Russian disinformation aimed at discrediting the unit. U.S. law bars foreign security forces from U.S. military assistance if they have committed gross violations of human rights, but a review of the National Guard of Ukraine's 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade cleared them for U.S. funds, the department said in a statement. "After thorough review, Ukraine’s 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade passed Leahy vetting as carried out by the U.S. Department of State," the department wrote, referring to the Leahy Law.