  • Reuters

    US as many as 15 years behind China on nuclear power, report says

    The U.S. is as many as 15 years behind China on developing high-tech nuclear power as Beijing's state-backed technology approach and extensive financing give it the edge, a report said on Monday. China has 27 nuclear reactors under construction with average construction timelines of about seven years, far faster than other countries, said the study by Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, a Washington-based nonpartisan research institute. "China’s rapid deployment of ever-more modern nuclear power plants over time produces significant scale economies and learning-by-doing effects, and this suggests that Chinese enterprises will gain an advantage at incremental innovation in this sector going forward," the report said.

  • NBC Sports Chicago

    Cubs offense continues to struggle vs Cardinals

    In the three game series against the St. Louis Cardinals, the Cubs only scored three runs. After the last game of the series, Dansby Swanson discussed the Cubs continued offense strugglesCubs offense continues to struggle vs Cardinals  originally appeared on NBC Sports Chicago

  • Reuters

    Europe must catch up in green tech race, Spain's climate minister says

    The next European Commission must do more to help European industry catch up in the green tech race with China and the U.S., said Spain's climate and energy minister Teresa Ribera, a front-runner to be the EU's next head of green policies. EU country leaders meet on Monday in Brussels to discuss the top jobs in the next European Commission, in which each of the 27 EU countries will have a member. Ribera, who Spain's government has put forward to seek a senior climate-related Commission post, rebuffed some politicians' calls for the EU to slow its green transition, but said greater effort would be needed to address its fallout for citizens and industries.