The Sky Today, December 4, 2021

At 12:22 p.m.: The moon is square Neptune

After noon, the Sagittarius moon squares off with Neptune in Pisces, scrambling our intuition. These planets are clashing in Jupiter-ruled signs, lending unfounded optimism and blind faith to the day’s events. Just like a balloon, an over-inflated ideal can burst, and at this juncture, our high hopes are too lofty to bring to fruition. However, this is not a bad time for creative expression or dreaming of a better future. The best course of action is simply to temper our expectations to avoid disappointment.

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At 9:08 p.m.: The moon is sextile Jupiter, and the moon void of course begins

After nightfall, the moon creates a sextile to Jupiter in Aquarius, a magnanimous influence that makes us social, outgoing, and oriented to adventure. Group activities and discussions are favored, and we may be emboldened by community support to take risks or put ourselves out there in ways we normally wouldn’t. Fortunately, taking a gamble can align us with unanticipated growth opportunities. However, the moon begins its void following this aspect’s perfection, suggesting that we may be wise not to immediately accept the offers that come our way. Give yourself time to feel things out. There are ways of keeping options open without being rude or dismissive. A lucid assessment of the fine print is needed before making a commitment.

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