Romanian soccer players team up to rehome dogs

Romanian soccer players team up to rehome these dogs

Location: Bucharest, Romania

The country's top tier players carry stray dogs onto the pitch

as part of an initiative to find homes for abandoned animals

(SOUNDBITE) (Romanian) WORKER AT ILFOV COUNTY ANIMAL PROTECTION OFFICE, ANCA FLOREA, SAYING:"We feature six dogs at every match and usually the players fight over who gets to hold the dogs when they enter the pitch. There are plenty of animal lovers in the team."

18 dogs have been presented at the matches so far

Three dogs have been adopted

and three more pups have received inquiries

(SOUNDBITE) (Romanian) SOCCER PLAYER FOR ACADEMICA CLINCENI TEAM, CRISTIAN GAVRA, SAYING:"It's a nice initiative and I hope people will see the pups and adopt them."