Cheating On Your Significant Other Is A Pretty Controversial Subject — Here Are 13 Real-Life Stories That Prove It

Recently I wrote a post about men and women revealing why they cheated on their significant others, and their stories were pretty gruesome.

Man taking off wedding ring behind his back
Andreypopov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

The BuzzFeed Community then chimed in with their own cheating stories in the comments, and boy oh boy, were they juicy as heck.

Happy lesbian couple in bed together
Filadendron / Getty Images

So, here are some of the wildest stories of men and women cheating on their significant others:

Note: Some stories were pulled from this Reddit thread by user u/Aggravating-Angel217 and this Reddit thread by user u/te7en.

Note: This post includes topics of domestic abuse and rape. Please proceed with caution.

1."The big reason I cheated is I have an addiction to sex. I found myself asking my fiancée for sex much more than I probably should, and when denied of sex, I found I could easily find people online who were looking for hookups near me. I didn't respect myself or my girlfriend, and I was trying to fill an emptiness left by a lack of self-worth and motivation with simple sexual satisfaction from random people."

"This went on for years until just recently. I've tried to become a faithful and trustworthy person so that I can live a happy life with the woman I've known to love for years now.

I'll probably always hate myself a little for what I've done to her, but I will always live the rest of my life to provide for her. I'll always owe my life to her for accepting me, and continuing to love me after I hurt her repeatedly."


2."When my wife and I started dating, we fucked a lot — like, multiple times a day. Even after we moved in together, Shark Week was the only time we weren’t banging daily (and even then, I’d still get a blowjob). Then one day, it just stopped. I talked to her about it after about three weeks of getting turned down every night, and she told me sometimes her sex drive dropped off for a while. I understood that, because mine did, too. But then, three weeks turned into three months. I talked to her about it, but it changed nothing. I explained to her how it made me feel, and I asked her if there was something I could do differently — but she said it wasn’t me. At the six-month mark, I got tired of fighting about it — I felt ugly and unwanted. There was a woman at my work who was into me, and we worked the same shift. We met up a few times before she gave me an ultimatum to leave my wife."

"I’m not justifying my actions — I fucked up. No one should ever do what I did. If it’s so bad you feel the need to step out: leave. I knew what I was doing was wrong, and I knew it would hurt my wife to find out, but I didn’t know how badly it would hurt her.

I would die 1,000 times before ever seeing that shattered look on her face ever again. I will never forgive myself for what I’ve done, and I know a part of her never will either."


3."I was sleeping with this great guy for a while — I was totally comfortable with him, and he was truly amazing. When I met him, I had been waiting on a guy to get back from deployment. I was head over heels for him, and I thought he felt the same way, but nothing was official. I thought guy A and I would phase out before guy B got back, but that didn't happen, and it got pretty close to B coming home. I was upfront with guy A and told him what was going on, and it was then I realized that guy A wanted more than just sex. I felt the same way at the time, but I still had feelings for guy B. Well, he got home, and I had sex with him — being upfront with guy A, he told me in short that he never wanted to see or speak to me again. I thought that was a little harsh because we were just having sex, but more feelings were apparently involved."

Man woman closing hotel door

4."I cheated [because] I was trying to find value and my self-worth in sleeping with women. Growing up, I was far from being a ladies' man. In college, I worked on myself to improve my self-confidence, as all my life I had been longing to have someone who liked me back — all I ever wanted was a girlfriend. As my self-esteem grew, so did my luck with the ladies. Eventually, I was able to get a girlfriend (someone who was good to me), but I wasn't satisfied. I continued to look for validation from other women, which turned into cheating on my girlfriend. I thought I had discovered self-confidence because I could be more social and was more outgoing, but I realized that on the inside, I was still insecure. Growing up in my family, there were no good examples of healthy relationships, either — all of my uncles were womanizers. This probably had an impact on me as well."


5."I'm guilty of infidelity in my marriage, and although I regret it, these situations are much more complex. I love my wife deeply, and she has forgiven me. In the end, it was me who suffered the most from my own actions, and I will pay for the indiscretions for the rest of my life with the regret I feel for my actions. People are not perfect beings, and making bad decisions is part of the human condition. What is important is that we learn from these mistakes and avoid repeating them. Intimate life partnering is fraught with complexity and nuance, so placing infidelity into neat right vs. wrong packages is oversimplifying the subject, and ignoring the subtleties that affect these relationships."


6."I did cheat on my last significant other, even after I said I would never do it from being cheated on several times in a past relationship. Before my last relationship started, I had (and still have) a pretty close friendship (sometimes a friends-with-benefits kind of friendship) with a guy friend of mine. I had been going with my significant other at the time for just under a year when I realized that I wasn't completely happy. I struggled with this for a while. My friend and I were hanging out when we started 'play fighting' and then cuddling, and then we kissed. It didn't really go much further than that, but there have been talks of it going that way for quite a while (even before my relationship started). After it happened, I didn't feel bad, nor do I feel all that bad now. My boyfriend at the time did not find out, and he never will (and yes, we broke up — but not over that reason)."

Couple having sex in bed

7."I am a woman and I cheated on my ex. I tried justifying it every which way because our relationship was toxic, but I was wrong in doing so. We are still friends and on good terms and divorce was definitely the right thing for us. But, I hate myself for how I caused it, and how much hurt I caused him. Women fuck up, too."


8."I had the mentality that if she were to cheat on me, at least I cheated on her, too. I cheated on all of my exes — I didn’t genuinely love them. I was young and heartless. Now that I'm older, I’ve come to realize I was wrong and people don’t deserve it. I'm three years into a relationship now. I don’t even talk to females, as I see no point when my girl is everything I want."


9."I have a friend I’ve known for about 13 years, and nothing ever happened between us (but we always had sexual tension). We lived in separate states and told each other if the opportunity came up, we would most likely sleep together (because, after all, we both craved it). I flew to her state to visit while I was in a relationship that was on a dead-end path. Everything was fine until I put on a flavored chapstick, and she said she wanted to try it — then, she leaned in to kiss me. I didn’t stop it — of course, one thing led to another, and we slept together. Looking back I felt bad, but do I regret it now? No."

Close-up of couple kissing

10."I was being a dog, and I wanted variety. I was in the relationship for benefits — not because I loved her. It was more for lust. I'm scarred now, and my relationships get strained because I have trust issues from my previous cheating experiences (I used to be a player). My current girlfriend almost ended it a couple of times because I was mean, and was projecting my insecurities onto her."


11."My ex verbally and physically abused me, so I cheated on him. I eventually had the balls to leave, and I could finally hurt him the way he hurt me. It worked beautifully — he was destroyed. It took him years [to get over it], and it tore him down when I told him the wedding was off. I had slept with our neighbor more than once. Whenever I'd decide to leave, I wanted to show him what it felt like to experience emotional pain over someone you claim to love. I don't regret it for one second — he deserved so much worse."


12."I got tired of the nagging, negative bullshit I had to deal with everyday, as well as the real shitty sex life. I felt terrible cheating, but at the same time, I felt great that I was able to pull it off. I left that woman. Now I am married, and things couldn’t be better. I wouldn’t cheat on my wife for anything! It’s everything I dreamed about, and now I have a beautiful son. Guys — don’t settle for a woman with a garbage history. They never change for the better."


13.And: "I always looked down on cheaters — I thought if the relationship is so messed up that you feel the need to lie and have sex with someone else, just break it off and then have sex with whoever you want without being a lying, cheating asshole. But, I cheated on my fiancé. He wasn't treating me well to begin with, but we were in love. Our relationship was amazing for years, and it was hard to see that it was time to leave because things didn't change overnight — it was a slow deterioration. He wanted to move out of town, but I didn't. He acted petulant about being stuck that we came to the 'mutual' decision that he should move first and I'd follow a few months later — I wasn't happy. Then, I was raped (he treated me like I had cheated on him, and told me it was 'my fault'). I don't know why I stayed, but I was in love. It was still long distance, then I met someone else who was funny, charming, sweet, and wonderful."

Man and woman caught in bed together

Note: Some stories were edited for length and/or clarity.