What are your odds of finding a four-leaf clover?

What are your odds of finding a four-leaf clover?
What are your odds of finding a four-leaf clover?

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Finding four-leaf clovers can be extra tough near St. Patrick's Day because many Canadians may have to dig through the snow.

But what are the odds of finding a four-leaf clover, anyway?

The statistics here are a bit mixed. A quick Google search says the odds of finding a four-leaf clover on your first try is about 1 in 10,000 - but a 2017 analysis of 5.7 million clovers over six countries suggests your chances are closer to 1 in 5,000 - and while that's much better, it looks like four-leaf clovers are a rare find no matter how you slice it.

As for five-leaf clovers? Those are even more elusive. Your odds of picking up one of THOSE on your first try are around 1 in 24,000, according to the 2017 study.

There's a seasonal aspect to it, too: Spring and fall are the best seasons to find four-leaf clovers, and winter is the worst.

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Four-leaf clovers have been considered a sign of good luck in Ireland for centuries. Druid priests carried three and four-leaf clovers to use in ceremonies, with the latter thought to possess qualities that brought about good luck.

St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was a big believer in the healing power of clover, even using the three-leaf variety as an educational tool to explain the Holy Trinity. It's these deep cultural connections that led to the clover becoming the official symbol for St. Patrick's Day.

WATCH: St. Patrick's green traditions were shaped by weather

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Thumbnail: Custom graphic by Cheryl Santa Maria. Clover image: Canva.