Philadelphia Flyers

Philadelphia Flyers

 | 38-33-11
  • Goals For
    231 GF
  • Goals Against
    258 GA
  • Power Play %
    12.2 PP%
  • Penalty Kill %
    83.4 PK%
  • Penalty Mins
    830 PIM
  • Broad Street Hockey

    Flyers GM Briere provides update about Travis Konecny contract

    The main point of contention and debate between fans of the Philadelphia Flyers this summer has to be whether or not they want the team to re-sign winger Travis Konecny. The team's no-doubt offensive leader has just one year remaining on his current contract, will become an unrestricted free agent after next season, and the team can sign him to an extension as early as July 1. Essentially, they have just a few weeks (and an entry draft) to not have the fan biting all their fingernails off, waiting in anticipation for the signing or trade announcement. While nothing can be made official quite yet, the two parties are clearly in talks and negotiations about what they view as a potential future in Philadelphia.