  • Associated Press

    Transitional council in Haiti selects new prime minister for a country under siege by gangs

    Garry Conille was named Haiti’s new prime minister Tuesday evening, nearly a month after a coalition within a fractured transitional council had chosen someone else for the position. The long-awaited move comes as gangs continue to terrorize the capital of Port-au-Prince, opening fire in once peaceful neighborhoods and using heavy machinery to demolish several police stations and prisons. Council member Louis Gérald Gilles told The Associated Press that six out of seven council members with voting power chose Conille earlier Tuesday.

  • The Guardian

    Trump’s ‘corrupt bargain’ condemned by prosecutors in closing arguments

    Joshua Steinglass tells hush-money jurors that scheme to bury negative stories before 2016 election distorted democracy

  • CBC

    Rio Tinto lays out plans to resurrect Yellowknife's Frame Lake

    Rio Tinto says it plans to start work next week on a plan to revive Yellowknife's long-dead Frame Lake.Representatives from the mining company that owns Diavik Diamond Mine presented their vision to city council Monday for aerating and reintroducing fish to Frame Lake.The plan is to install a deep-water aerator in the lake, which will circulate oxygen to the deepest parts in an attempt to "increase oxygen levels during the winter months."If all goes to plan, and oxygen levels rise, fish would ho