Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

  • Passing Yards
    224.2 PYPG
  • Rushing Yards
    88.8 RYPG
  • Total Yards Per Game
    313.0 YPG
  • 2024 Opponent Preview: Carolina Panthers, Weeks 13 & 17

    Players and coaches for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have begun their final break before the start of training camp, in which they are presumably getting their minds off football for a short stretch. As we wait for those men and women to return to the playing field, we are taking an opportunity to look at each team Tampa Bay is going to face during the regular season. From how those teams fared last year, to what they've done with the roster since, to some as-yet-unanswered questions – we want to get a better feel for what the Bucs will be up against this fall. Today we look at a team the Bucs won't cross paths with until December despite being NFC South rivals: the Carolina Panthers.