New England Patriots

New England Patriots

 | 0-0
  • Passing Yards
    180.5 PYPG
  • Rushing Yards
    95.7 RYPG
  • Total Yards Per Game
    276.2 YPG
  • Former Patriots OL details angry email he got from Bill Belichick in 2007

    In 2007, the New England Patriots won 18 straight games before losing to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl, but before the season, head coach Bill Belichick was going after one of his best players. Former Patriots left tackle Matt Light, appearing on Julian Edelman's Podcast, "Games With Names" shares an email that he received while he was away at an NFLPA union meeting, which began with a quote that Light gave about the importance of the offseason program. “Hey Matt, just read this quote from you…what the (expletive)?” Belichick started.