Green Bay Packers

Green Bay Packers

  • Passing Yards
    233.4 PYPG
  • Rushing Yards
    112.1 RYPG
  • Total Yards Per Game
    345.5 YPG
  • Packer Central

    Packers Training Camp Will Begin in 50 Days

    In his introduction to his monthly Murphy Takes 5 column at, Green Bay Packers President and CEO Mark Murphy said veterans will arrive for training camp on July 21 – 50 days from now – and rookies and select other players will arrive on July 17. The first practice will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, July 22. The annual shareholders meeting also will be held on July 22, starting at 3 p.m. The first practice is earlier than normal – it was July 26 in 2023, July 27 in 2022, July 28 in 2021, Aug. 3 in 2020 (COVID year) and July 25 in 2019 – but the season will start earlier than normal, too, with Game 1 in Brazil against the Philadelphia Eagles on Sept. 6.