  • The Bergen Record

    Juan Soto's absence felt as Yankees drop another game to the Dodgers

    After losing Friday night in extra innings, 2-1, the Yankees dropped a second straight game to the Dodgers. Saturday's 11-3 loss marked the most runs yielded by the Yankees all season.

  • Associated Press

    Seoul to restart anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker broadcasts in retaliation against trash balloons

    South Korea says it will restart anti-North Korean propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas in response to continuing North Korean campaigns to drop trash on the South with balloons. Following a national security meeting, the South Korean presidential office said the loudspeakers will be installed and begin broadcasts in border areas on Sunday. The move is certain to anger North Korea and potentially prompt it to take its own retaliatory military steps.

  • AFP

    Bulgaria's sixth vote in three years set to quash hopes for change

    Bulgarians head to the polls on Sunday for a sixth time in three years, with hopes for change expected to be quashed in the Balkan country.Polling stations on Sunday open at 7:00 am (0400 GMT) and close at 8:00 pm with low turnout expected amid voter apathy.