Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia 76ers

  • Field Goal %
    46.4 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.3 3P%
  • Points Scored
    115 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    43.0 RPG

    Sixers will enter free agency having come full circle. Can they avoid going around again?

    Before we take a dive into the things that the Sixers need to do in order to do what they have not done in the Joel Embiid Era, let's establish a jumping-off point. Method 3: Assemble a team that happens to hit its stride in a season when all the Method 1 and Method 2 teams are injured or underperforming or gearing up for the offseason. Ten years from now, will we really look back and remember the Atlanta Hawks as everything the Sixers weren't simply because they happened to make a conference finals in a season when the world was still trying to reestablish its circadian rhythms following a year of pandemic lockdown? » READ MORE: The Sixers are feeling positive after another failed season.