New York Knicks

New York Knicks

  • Field Goal %
    46.5 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.9 3P%
  • Points Scored
    113 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    45.2 RPG
  • FOX Sports Radio

    Colin Cowherd: Knicks Are an Unsustainable Fad

    Watch Colin Cowherd of FS1's The Herd explain why he thinks the captivating playoff run of the New York Knicks will be a short-lived one, comparing it to the 'fidget spinner' as an unexplainable fad that will predictably disappear at any moment. Check out the segment above as Colin tips his cap to the Knicks for making it as far as they have but says their success is more due to the profound weakness of the Eastern Conference, and the unrealistic burners their guards are on.