New York Knicks

New York Knicks

  • Field Goal %
    46.5 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.9 3P%
  • Points Scored
    113 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    45.2 RPG
  • New York Post

    Knicks' Game 7 pressure even greater with no guarantee of return

    They call it the best two words in sports, but “Game 7” sometimes can be classified as “last best chance.” Just ask Tom Thibodeau. Thirteen years ago, he guided the Bulls to the conference finals with the youngest MVP in NBA history and a ceiling seemingly higher than the Sears Tower. They were destined for a post-Jordan golden era, until Derrick Rose's knee buckled against the Sixers. LeBron James also formed a super-team in South Beach. Stuff happens. Thibodeau never got to the conference finals again. Sunday's Game 7 against the Pacers will be his closest. Tom Thibodeau reacts on the side line during the third quarter of Game 6 against the Pacers. Jason Szenes / New York Post Unless he wins.