Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota Timberwolves

  • Field Goal %
    48.5 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.7 3P%
  • Points Scored
    113 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    43.6 RPG
  • Twin Cities

    Conley's Corner: Timberwolves guard wants another shot at the shot

    Editor's note: Mike Conley is one of the best sources of information in the NBA. Entering his 17th NBA season, the 36-year-old Timberwolves point guard has seen it all, and has the knowledge and willingness to explain what's taken place and what's to come with the media and, thus, the fans. Conley is just as good at explaining why two teammates came to blows in the middle of a timeout as he is on what the team needs to do to decode a switch-heavy defense. This is the 11th installment of Conley's Corner.