Mom asks if she’s wrong for lying to MIL about baby’s sex in viral Reddit AITA post

Two topics pretty much guaranteed to bring out contentious commentary: gender/sex reveal parties and mothers-in-law, amiright? And this Reddit post in the AITA subreddit has it all.

In it, the original poster (OP) shares that she’s pregnant and the whole gender reveal party thing isn’t her thing at all, but she decided to be a “good sport” and take part in a party for her friends and family. She and her husband were in the dark as to their baby’s sex, and were supposed to find out along with everyone else at the party.

OP says that her mother-in-law asked and asked and asked about the baby’s sex, and was convinced OP knew what it was.

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“She wore me down after a month of bothering me about it,” OP writes. “She begged me and promised that she wouldn’t tell anyone. This was all in texts. I told her it was a girl. figured it was a 50/50 chance and it would get her off my back.


Raise your hand if you think the mother-in-law who desperately and ferociously wore down her daughter-in-law kept her promise and zipped her lips about her future grandbaby’s sex. (Ah yes, I see exactly zero hands raised. Well done.)

“Well she lied,” OP writes. “When we cut the cake to reveal a blue inside and there was a really awkward silence. She had told literally all of the guests from her side of the family so they could bring appropriate gifts.”

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OP says her friends and family, who were also in the dark and delightfully surprised, were quick to share in the joy and congratulate her and her husband on their son. Predictably, Grandma was not having it.

“She came over and hissed at me that I made her look stupid. I reminded her that she had PROMISED not to tell anyone,” OP continues. “She said she had never promised so I showed her our text conversation. Some of he family were right there when I did that so they heard her admit that she lied and had never intended to keep that promise.”

Grandma still feels OP intentionally tried to embarrass her mother-in-law, while OP insists she truly didn’t know the sex of her baby and initially told her MIL she didn’t know many, many times until finally giving up.

“My husband wants me to apologize to keep the peace,” the story concludes. “I probably will but I don’t think I was an asshole like she seems to think.”

Most of Reddit seems to feel that in the matter of a-holes, OP isn’t one.

So what do you think? Is she the “a-hole” in this scenario, or did Grandma reap what she sowed?