Baltimore Orioles

Baltimore Orioles

 | 27-14
  • Batting Avg
    .245 AVG
  • Runs
    203 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    3.26 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.11 WHIP
  • Inside The Orioles

    Baltimore Orioles Superstar Could Join Elite Company This Season

    The Baltimore Orioles have a few breakout stars, but none are shining brighter than Gunnar Henderson. Henderson is one of the best young players in the league and has a chance to win the AL MVP award. Bleacher Report's Brandon Scott listed the soon-to-be 23-year-old as one of the leagues 10 defining players from this season so far. As Scott mentioned, if Henderson were to go on to win the MVP, he would be just the seventh player to win the MVP and Rookie of the Year in their first two seasons.