Letter: Time to invest in Wooster City Schools' buildings, vote yes on bond issue

Letter to the editor

As a recently elected school board member and the parent of five kids in the Wooster City School District, I am urging everyone to vote yes on the bond issue on the May 2 ballot.

As a new insider to the workings of our school district, I can assure you that this is the time to invest in new buildings in our district.

Pushing this decision into the future only assures that building costs and future tax burdens will increase, while taking away the assurance of a 33% reimbursement by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission to be used for future construction needs or offsetting the tax burden.

As those who know me can testify, I care deeply about being a fiscally responsible leader in laying the groundwork for Wooster’s future. Please read the facts of this decision (woostercityschools.org/district/content-page/facilities-master-plan) and join me in a yes vote on May 2.

Ryan Kuzma, Wooster

Member, Wooster City Schools Board of Education

This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: Time to invest in Wooster school buildings, vote yes on bond issue