Kanye Offers Up-Close Glimpse at New Yeezy Gap SHDZ Rollable Sunglasses

Ye is a busy man. When the artist formerly known as Kanye West is not making music, he’s making fashion. And when he’s not doing either of those things, he’s feuding with the people he makes music and fashion with. Today, Ye went on an Instagram spree attacking Gap and promising to launch Yeezy stores worldwide, but he also made time to show off his new Yeezy GAP SHDZ sunglasses.

Ye shared a video on his Instagram on September 1 of someone, presumably a designer, showing off the unique roll-up sunglasses. The man in the video claims that these would be “the first film roll-up that’s polarized that would be FDA approved… it’s never been done before; it’s a polarized lens that you can fit in your pocket. An offscreen voice (that sounds a lot like Ye) asks him to demonstrate the roll-up.

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Ye uploaded the video to Instagram with the caption “We FD(Ye) aproooooved.” The focus on FDA approval might come as a surprise. You wouldn’t know it walking through a high-end department store, but even non-prescription sunglasses are regulated as medical devices in the United States.


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The glasses are held by an eyewear retainer (similar to Croakies, a trademarked name) that wraps around the back of the head. The highly reflective lenses cover a lot of the face, including above the eyebrows, near the cheekbones, and all the way to near the temples. At the moment, they seem to come in one metallic silver-gray lens.

It’s quite possible that these would be the first roll-up glasses that are polarized, though they’re certainly not the first roll-up glasses. Presumably, Ye was inspired by manufacturers like Rollens, which makes roll-up protective eyewear and sunglasses for eye care and dental care. You might have worn Rollens or something similar at some point in your life; they’re used by dentists to protect the patient’s eyes from splatters from dental equipment and bright lights.

Medical glasses might seem like an unusual source of inspiration for a fashion collab, but it’s par for the course for Ye, who’s lately been fond of wearing purpose-built clothing like wading boots and rubber work gloves. This is also the artist who showed off his latest Gap x Yeezy collaboration in what looked like industrial trash bags. There’s little information as of yet as to when these glasses might be released.

However, Ye has already enlisted his famous friends (and even his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian) to promote them. The glasses have been made available to a number of celebrities (including Ye’s daughter North West, who can be seen wearing the glasses on Ye’s Instagram), and they’re shaping up to be one of the most in-demand designer accessories of 2022.


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Naturally, Ye is not content to simply promote a product without some controversy. Since uploading the video of his Yeezy eyewear, he uploaded a post that read, in part “What the fuck is Kwanzaa and who made that bullshit up,” and we fully expect Ye to delete these posts from his Instagram page any minute.


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