Former deputy press secretary recalls Trump’s farewell ceremony: 'Felt like it was a funeral'

Former White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley appeared in Sunday’s episode of “The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth” where he discussed former President Donald Trump’s departure ceremony. Gidley’s description of the event painted a morbid scene.
“There were a lot of people crying, of course,” said Gidley. “I felt one person next to me commented, they felt like it was a funeral. In a way they were at a funeral. A person said, ‘In many ways, the country died.’
Gidley attended the event with several staffers, some of whom he admitted were not ready for Trump to leave office.
“It was when the president started speaking,” said Gidley, “a girl I know that worked with in the White House who all day was like, ‘I'm going to be fine. It's all okay, this is how it should be. Everything is fine.’ As soon as he start speaking, I looked out - tears were pouring out from her glasses, and she said, ‘I'm not fine, I'm not fine, I'm not fine.’”

Video Transcript

HOGAN GIDLEY: Inside, there were a lot of people crying, of course. I felt one person next to me commented they felt it was like a funeral, they were at a funeral. The person next to them said, well, in many ways, the country died.

- Former White House deputy press Secretary Hogan Gidley appeared in Sunday's episode of The Circus, where he discussed former President Donald Trump's departure ceremony and how emotional it was for his supporters.

HOGAN GIDLEY: It was. When the president started speaking, a girl I know that I worked with in the White House who all day was like, I'm going to be fine, it's all OK, this is how it should be. Everything's fine. As soon as he started speaking, I looked over and tears just pouring out from under her glasses. And she said, I'm not fine. I'm not fine. I'm not fine.

- Even though Trump is no longer president, Gidley believes his legacy of masculinity and power will continue to shape the Republican Party for years to come.

HOGAN GIDLEY: The GOP of the lovable loser, I think is over. I think the self-loathing Republican is not going to have a place in the party, I think, for quite some time.