El-P: Run the Jewels Rejected NFL’s Super Bowl Song Placement Offer “Because F--- Them”

Calls the NFL “a private, racist and for-profit company masquerading as a non-profit”

Run the JewelsEl-P has criticized the NFL, telling the story of how the organization approached the rap duo to ask for the rights to their song “Legend Has It” to play during the Super Bowl. “We said no because fuck them,” he wrote. “They operate like they're an indispensable public utility. They aren't. They are gone with the flip of a channel.”

El-P continued, “And just in case anyone is wondering how much the NFL wanted to pay us for using ‘Legend Has It,’ that would be zero dollars and the strong suggestion that we take them up on the opportunity to enrich a private, racist and for-profit company masquerading as a non profit. Blow me.”

Yesterday, it was announced that the league would fine players that kneeled during the pre-game National Anthem, a policy move that won praise from Donald Trump.