It was the Community that Got Me Through, Mónica Ramírez | MAKERS Moment

It was the Community that Got Me Through, Mónica Ramírez | MAKERS Moment

Video Transcript

MONICA RAMIREZ: I remember when I started seeing the MeToo hashtag and just being shocked that so many people-- and so many people that I knew were sharing their own experiences. And I no idea that it was a problem they had suffered. Most people don't realize that I am a survivor of both domestic violence and sexual violence. And, you know, I experience my victimization as an adult. He basically said that no one would ever believe me or believe that I was a capable or qualified attorney to help other women, because I couldn't even help myself.

And for a long time, that was what kept me quiet, and that was what kept me in that relationship that was so abusive and difficult. And I had a lot of shame. You know, and I-- and I still feel shame. But in that moment I remember feeling like I have to say something, because there are so many different experiences and there are so many different reasons that people stay and stay quiet. And I just felt like what the world sees of me and the work that I do, is as the advocate who's helping other women. But it's really important, I think, to say that even as someone who helps other women, there are times when I am weak and need help too.

After sharing the story, I woke up the next morning, and I couldn't-- I felt like I couldn't breathe. So it was as if I like this opportunity occurred where we could finally feel free enough to speak people. Started reaching out to me and they said they couldn't breathe either. And so then I was in communication with people by phone and by text, and some people responded to my social media post and-- and I think it was it was that community and the conversations that came in the days after that finally made me start to feel like we're going to get through this, and like something's going to come from this. And, you know, in the days after, finally made me start to understand like this is going to be OK.