Aiken Department of Public Safety celebrates new fire trucks with push-in ceremony

Jan. 12—Push, push and push is what firefighters and community members did as new fire trucks were formally put into service with a special ceremony.

"I hope you brought strong backs and strong legs to help us push these things (fire trucks) in," Capt. Brian Brazier, with the fire division of the Aiken Department of Public Safety, said.

City leaders and members of the community came to celebrate the department's four new fire trucks with a push-in ceremony on Thursday.

Brazier said a push-in is a tradition that has been taking place among fire departments since the 1800s, and honors the history and traditions of the fire service. He also said the push-in ceremony builds pride and morale.

The time-honored tradition dates back to when hand-drawn fire engines, ladder wagons, hose carts and other apparatus had to be pushed back into the station by hand.

The department purchased three new engine pump trucks and one ladder truck in December 2022.

The four trucks totaled about $3 million and were purchased using funds collected through the Capital Projects Sales Tax, as well as depreciation funds.

Aiken City Manager Stuart Bedenbaugh said it started in 2018 with the Capital Project Sales Tax and it culminated with the push-in service.

The new trucks bring the total number of trucks in the department to eight. The trucks will be located at various fire stations throughout the city.

Some features of the new fire trucks include more effective fire hoses and front- and rear-facing cameras.

"These trucks are your trucks and it is an honor for us to be part of this," said Aiken Public Safety Chief Charles Barranco.

Barranco said the trucks are an investment that will continue to serve citizens and residents of Aiken County.

Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon said the city of Aiken and Aiken City Council made a commitment several years ago to support public safety .

"One of those ways was by making sure we had the best apparatus, the best trucks and the best equipment we can have for our men and women," Osbon said.