24 Screenshots Of Management Being Awful To Employees That Will Make Your Blood Boil

1. This person's boss who fired them for being sick.

2. This management's response to an employee dying.

3. This boss who is too incompetent to correctly read a timestamp.

4. This person's boss who rejected their first request for a day off even though it was well in advance and for a medical appointment.

5. This person's boss who is trying to get them to come in sick.

6. This manager trying to make someone feel bad about calling out sick.

7. This company putting limits on bathroom breaks.

8. This company that's saying they're unable to afford equipment to do the job, so it's on the employees to buy their own.

9. This person seeking a decade's worth of experience for the absolute minimum.

10. This owner who is a mega micromanager.

11. This email from a toxic-sounding boss.

12.This weird boss who is demanding a doctor's note and threatening to give an employee less hours for calling in sick while claiming to be shorthanded.

A person emailing their boss that they hurt their leg and the boss replying they have to take them off schedule if they don't have a doctor's note
DayleLucy101 / Via reddit.com

13.This CEO who is basically telling employees they suck and they'll have to return to working in office five days a week or they're fired.

A message to employees that they're returning to in-office work immediately and will be fired if they refuse
green_limabean2 / Via reddit.com

14.This company that is mad people are leaving them for better opportunities, and is demanding three months notice before employees quit.

An email saying that giving two weeks notice is outrageous and the employee handbook will be updated to require three months notice
notsatans / Via reddit.com

15. This sketchy company that doesn't want co-workers telling each other how much they make.

16. This company that thinks asking about base pay is a red flag.

17. The company that has this ridiculous quote proudly on display.

18. This company that warns people applying not to ask for $15 an hour.

19. And this company who shockingly can't find baristas and calls applicants who want to earn money for their work "pay chasers."

20. This company that has this sign of really wack rules posted.

21.The boss who sent this message to an employee after they told HR their boss was pressuring them to come in sick because they were symptomless.

A manager's email saying they are the one assessing health and risk, not HR
gingertea7 / Via reddit.com

22. This store owner who seems like a real fun person to be around based on these signs.

23.This company that's threatening someone's job for taking time off to care for her son post-surgery.

A notice saying someone's job is in jeopardy because of excessive absenteeism
Soup_Rah / Via reddit.com

24. And finally, this store's management who are claiming people don't want to work when the problem likely has to do with low pay/poor working conditions.

H/T: r/antiwork