Borussia Mönchengladbach

Borussia Mönchengladbach

  • Goals For
    0 GF
  • Assists
    0 A
  • Shots
    0 Shots
  • Saves
    0 SAV
  • French Football Weekly

    End clap for Alassane Pléa at Borussia Mönchengladbach

    Alassane Pléa arrives at Borussia Mönchengladbach from Nice for €18 million. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the OL-trained player enjoyed six rich years with an impressive statistical record (197 matches – 56 goals and 37 assists) culminating in a sparkling Champions League campaign in 2020-21 (8 matches – 5 goals and 4 assists including a hat-trick against Shakthar Donetsk and two assists in a memorable draw at Santiago Bernabeu against Real Madrid). Depending on the coaches and his placements on the pitch, the very versatile French striker had a more complicated 2022-23 season before returning in good form in recent months in an attacking midfielder role (7 goals and 7 assists in 30 matches in all competitions in a team in great difficulty and far from the standards that were theirs 2-3 years ago).