Michigan State Spartans

Michigan State Spartans

6th BTEN D-I | 18-13
  • Field Goal %
    46.0 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.0 3P%
  • Points Scored
    2274 Pts
  • Total Rebounds
    31.7 RPG
  • Spartan Nation

    Tom Izzo yet to Secure a Replacement for Tyson Walker

    Michigan State's basketball team faces a daunting task in filling the shoes of Tyson Walker, the standout point guard who recently graduated. The search for a replacement isn't just about finding any player but finding the right fit—a talented point guard who can seamlessly integrate into Coach Tom Izzo's system and elevate the team's performance. The departure of key players is not unfamiliar territory for the Spartans under Izzo's tenure.