  • The Telegraph

    Trying to lose weight? Understand your body type first

    It is a sad truth that not all bodies are created equal. There are those who grow tall and lean, while others are short and squat. Some struggle to gain weight while others have a harder time losing it. Some pile on muscle after lifting a few weights, others remain thin no matter what they do.

  • The Telegraph

    ‘Millions of pounds wasted sending police officers to court who rarely give evidence’

    Millions of pounds are being wasted on forcing Scotland’s police officers to attend court when they are not needed, the country’s chief constable has said, as she argued England’s system is far more efficient.

  • The Telegraph

    Big hair! Diamonds! High heels! How to be more diva

    It will surprise absolutely nobody that the woman who sang Big Spender, Goldfinger, and Diamonds are Forever, has a phenomenal collection of fine jewellery. And this autumn, Dame Shirley Bassey will be auctioning some of her most precious pieces at Sotheby’s, worth roughly £2 million, with all proceeds going to charity.