San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs

  • Field Goal %
    46.2 FG%
  • 3-point %
    34.7 3P%
  • Points Scored
    112 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    44.2 RPG
  • All hawks

    Proposed Blockbuster Three-Team Trade Sends Trae Young +Josh Giddey to San Antonio, Atlanta Gets Assets to Rebuild

    The Atlanta Hawks were going to have a busy offseason and some decisions to make about their roster, but their offseason got turned on its head on Sunday when they won the 2024 NBA Draft Lottery, despite having just a 3% chance to do so. Most analysts believe that this is a weaker draft, maybe even the weakest draft since 2013 when the Cleveland Cavaliers took Anthony Bennett, but moving from the 10th spot to No.1 is huge no matter the draft and there are prospects that could help Atlanta reset and move forward. The team has not gotten the results they had hoped for when they sent a huge package of picks to get Murray and they will need to choose one of the guards to keep and one to trade. While I am still of the belief that Murray is the most likely guard to be traded (though it is just a guess), there has been plenty of speculation about where Young could end up.