Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns

  • Field Goal %
    49.3 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.2 3P%
  • Points Scored
    116 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    44.1 RPG
  • Hudson Reporter

    Knicks Trade News: Devin Booker Dismisses Rumors

    Devin Booker's rumored interest in joining the New York Knicks has been dismissed as false. Despite recent speculation, the Suns star remains committed to Phoenix. Key Takeaways Devin Booker is firmly committed to staying with the Phoenix Suns despite rumors of a potential move to the New York Knicks. The Suns had a tough season, ending in a first-round playoff defeat, but Booker remains focused on future successes with the team. Despite recent challenges, Phoenix's front office is also not considering a major team rebuild. Summary Toggle Booker Amid Trade Rumors: Fact vs. Speculation Reality Behind Booker's Commitment to Phoenix Suns' Strategy Moving Forward: Staying the Course Booker Amid Trade