Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia 76ers

 | 47-35
  • Field Goal %
    46.4 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.3 3P%
  • Points Scored
    115 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    43.0 RPG
  • All 76ers

    Hornets Pass Up on Former Sixers Sharpshooter for Coaching Job

    A former Philadelphia 76ers sharpshooter won't take over as the Charlotte Hornets head coach after all. While JJ Redick has garnered some notable interest over in Charlotte, the Hornets have hired an Eastern Conference assistant for the role. According to a press release, the Hornets announced they are hiring Charles Lee, a ten-year assistant, who will wrap up his time with the Boston Celtics at the end of the 2024 NBA Playoffs.