Orlando Magic

Orlando Magic

  • Field Goal %
    47.6 FG%
  • 3-point %
    35.2 3P%
  • Points Scored
    110 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    42.3 RPG
  • NBA Draft

    Orlando's Anthony Black: Sophomore Outlook

    Anthony Black was a piece of a very connected, young and formidable team in the Orlando Magic this season. When given a chance to perform and showcase his skill set, it's clear that he'll become even more of an integral piece for this team for the coming years. A top-five defense and the franchise's most winning season in well over a decade -- Black's contribution to his team as the sixth pick in last year's draft may had gotten cut a bit short despite what he had to offer, but it's also not close to the pinnacle of what he'll be able to accomplish in the NBA. "Super proud," Black said of his elation to play with this year's Magic squad in his end-of-season interview.