New York Knicks

New York Knicks

  • Field Goal %
    46.5 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.9 3P%
  • Points Scored
    113 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    45.2 RPG
  • ClutchPoints

    Alonzo Mourning reveals Patrick Ewing pushed him away from teaming up with Knicks

    The New York Knicks and Miami Heat became a defining rivalry in the late 1990s with star centers Patrick Ewing and Alonzo Mourning leading their respective squads. Prior to the 1995-96 season, the Knicks were fresh off a second-round playoff exit against the Indiana Pacers. With the Charlotte Hornets having a dilemma over Mourning's new contract, they had the option to ship the big man to New York.