Memphis Grizzlies

Memphis Grizzlies

  • Field Goal %
    43.5 FG%
  • 3-point %
    34.6 3P%
  • Points Scored
    106 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    42.6 RPG
  • All Grizzlies

    Paul George Shares Strong Message on Memphis Grizzlies Player

    During a recent episode of Podcast P, a Wave Sports + Entertainment Original, LA Clippers star Paul George shared a srong message on Memphis Grizzlies forward GG Jackson. "I don't know why this player hasn't had more recognition around the league for his age and what he's done with this group and I think he's a ton of talent," George said of Jackson. George continued, saying, "I think he's just kind of complete… I think he goes in that same category as a big wing that can score it at a high-level, he can rebound, he defends, he's super athletic… He doesn't get talked about enough in the conversations of like the youngest guys to do it… I'm not putting him in that category… but you know, for his ceiling in this first year, I mean he outperformed Kobe at that age."