Houston Rockets

Houston Rockets

  • Field Goal %
    45.9 FG%
  • 3-point %
    35.2 3P%
  • Points Scored
    114 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    45.5 RPG
  • Inside The Rockets

    Former Houston Rockets Guard Faces Ridicule for Brain-Breaking Take

    Oftentimes, as NBA players transition into their post-playing days, they enter the sports media space. Former Houston Rockets guard Austin Rivers is a rare case of both, as his Off Guard podcast is a part of The Ringer's network, while he has also been a regular on ESPN's NBA Today daily show. Rivers went viral for a controversial and unpopular take on The Pat McAfee Show, stating that the NBA is a harder sport, arguing that it's easy to find NBA players who can play in the NFL than vice versa.